Datenbestand vom 04. Februar 2025
Verlag Dr. Hut GmbH Sternstr. 18 80538 München Tel: 0175 / 9263392 Mo - Fr, 9 - 12 Uhr
aktualisiert am 04. Februar 2025
Johannes KrisamMethods for Subgroup Selection in Biomarker-Based Clinical Trials
Moritz Maximilian BergerOn the Detection of Latent Structures in Categorical Data
Alexander PilhöferCategorical Data Analysis Reordered
Andrea WiencierzRegression analysis with imprecise data
Elisabeth WaldmannBayesian Structured Additive Quantile Regression
Astrid ZiererMultiples Testen und die Kontrolle der gFWER in der statistischen Analyse genetischer Daten
Stefanie KalusBiostatistical Modeling and Analysis of Combined fMRI and EEG Measurements
Alexander GribovStrukturierte hochdimensionale Visualisierung mit der Anwendung auf genomische Daten
Benjamin HofnerBoosting in Structured Additive Models
Manuel J. A. EugsterBenchmark Experiments - A Tool for Analyzing Statistical Learning Algorithms
Andrea KörberProbleme und Verallgemeinerungen ausgewählter Hypothesentests unter Berücksichtigung von Zeitabhängigkeiten
Katrin GrimmKennzahlenbasierte Grafikauswahl
Silke JanitzaResampling Approaches in Biometrical Applications: Developments in Random Forests and in Bootstrap-based Procedures
Stephanie MöstRegularization in Discrete Survival Models
Constantin WeiserNumerische Integration, angewandt bei der Inferenz in Zustandsraummodellen
Andreas MayrBoosting beyond the mean - extending component-wise gradient boosting algorithms to multiple dimensions
Nikolay RobinzonovAdvances in Boosting of Temporal and Spatial Models
Nora FenskeStructured additive quantile regression with applications to modelling undernutrition and obesity of children
Fabian SobotkaSemiparametric Expectile Regression
Faisal Maqbool ZahidRegularization and Variable Selection in Categorical Regression Analyses
Fabian ScheiplBayesian Regularization and Model Choice in Structured Additive Regression
Ludwig BothmannEfficient statistical analysis of video and image data
Lisa MöstConditional Transformation Models - Interpretable Parametrisations and Censoring
Juliane ManitzStatistical Inference for Propagation Processes on Complex Networks
Julia KopfModel-based Recursive Partitioning Meets Item Response Theory. New Statistical Methods for the Detection of Differential Item Functioning and Approp…
Julia C. SommerRegularized estimation and model selection in compartment models
Esther HerberichOn the behavior of multiple comparison procedures in complex parametric designs
Verena ZuberA Multivariate Framework for Variable Selection and Identification of Biomarkers in High-Dimensional Omics Data
Sebastian PetryRegularization Approaches for Generalized Linear Models and Single Index Models
Sebastian KaiserBiclustering: Methods, Software and Application
Jan UlbrichtVariable Selection in Generalized Linear Models